20 Types of Content Venture Capital Firms Create

Steve Glaveski

Venture capital firms invest in early-stage, high-growth startups with hopes of sizable returns. But VCs do more than just invest.

They also create content to share knowledge, build brand awareness,, and ultimately, to connect with high-potential founders. 

So what kind of content might you produce as a VC firm? 

Here are 20 we see numerous firms producing. 

1. Portfolio company spotlights

Feature specific portfolio companies with a case study format. For example, Accel does this through its Accel Insights series.

2. Firm cheerleading

Content that boasts about the firm's assets, values, and investment performance. 

3. News

Share the latest investments, exits, fund raises and firm developments through press releases. 

4. Thought leadership

Publish perspectives and predictions on trends in specific sectors, technologies or stages of growth. A16z’s extensive canon of articles and comprehensive reports is a great example of this. 

Source: a16z

5. How-to guides

Create playbooks and handbooks to guide founders, such as our own Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing for Venture Capital Firms

6. Open source lists

List service providers, experts, or stakeholders in the startup ecosystem like Harlem Capital’s list of black and latin founders

7. Market maps

Visuals on market, industry, or technology landscapes like CBInsights and Angellist publish on the regular. 

Source: CBInsights

8. eBooks

In-depth profiles and analyses rounded up into a downloadable format.

9. Podcasts

Interview portfolio companies, experts and fellows VCs or discuss trending topics. The 20VC and All-In podcasts are popular amongst VCs.

Source: Invested

10. YouTube videos

Create video versions of podcast interviews, fireside chats, panel talks and more. SOSV has its own YouTube channel for this purpose.

11. Short-form video

Use TikTok and Instagram Reels to share bite-sized content. 

12. Twitter threads

Post trains of commentary and insights in tweet thread format. Garry Tan of Y-Combinator amd Initialized Capital is known for his threads.

13. Newsletters

end periodical emails to provide insights to subscribers. Blackbird VC sends its followers a monthly newsletter.

14. Webinars

Host virtual seminars and workshops, from fundraising advice to emerging tech analyses, featuring in-house experts or limited partners. General Catalyst offers webinars on company building.

Source: Angel University / Jason Calacanis

15. Listicles

Lists and roundups around funding, hiring tips, startup street smarts and more. Check out Lightspeed Venture Partners' listicles.

16. Founder resources

Toolkits, templates, calculators and guides to help founders with practical startup building activities from ideation to exit. Sequoia Capital’s European Talent Hub is an example of this.

17. Day in the life

Give followers a peek into daily activities as a VC with vlogs and inside looks. 

18. Reactions

Capture responses and commentary to recent news events relevant to startups and VC. This is a great way to hijack news people want to hear more about and put your own spin on things.

19. Live video

Go live on platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn to weigh in on latest headlines or converse with viewers. The beauty of using platforms liked LinkedIn for example is the organic reach it can give you, above and beyond people that already follow or subscribe to your content. 

20. Peer perspectives

Survey and showcase viewpoints from fellow VCs and startup founders via quotes and interviews.

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